Adventist Church to Pitcher Mountain on the Greenway
A perfect fall day for a hike through the woods.
It is also Columbus Day weekend and the busiest Fall weekend in New Hampshire. So for that reason I decided to stay out of the White Mountains and anything that has to do with Interstate 93.
So my buddy Eric and I decided to go west and put some miles on the Mondadnock-Sunapee Greenway. This is a 50 mile end to end hike that starts on Mt. Monadnock in Jaffery, NH and ends on Mt. Sunapee in Sunapee NH.
Date: | 10-10-2020 |
Location: | Washington, NH |
Distance: | 8 mi |
Elevation Gain: | 1392′ |
Total Time: | 6 hr 20 min |
Parking: | 10-15 cars |
Difficultly Rating: | Moderate |

We were only doing an eight mile section. We met up at Pitcher Mountain in Stoddard, NH. This is where we planned to end our hike so we left a car there and headed to our starting point at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Washington, NH.
As we left the parking lot we took a look around the grounds of the church. It is a very quaint Old New England style church with small trail located near by called the Sabbath Trail. There is an old grave yard with some marble carved grave stones.
We continued up the road to the trail that would take us up Jackson Hill. This was beautiful section that included some down hill up hill and wetlands with bog bridges. Once we got the summit of Jackson Hill we enjoyed some open sunny views of the surrounding foliage.
After a brief snack break we continued on to Hubbard Hill. On this hill you will find a sign that marks the middle of the MSG. This summit has tons of high blueberry bushes and mowed paths that give access for picking the blueberry bushes.
We stayed and took a few photos. As we walked on the path turned onto a dirt road again for a bit and then went back to trail. From here we continued up to Pitcher Mountain.
At the summit of Pitcher there were a few others enjoying the day. On our way down there was a good amount of people heading up to the Pitcher Fire Tower. Until this point we had not seen many people at all on the trail. But this was expected since the walk up to the fire tower is short and easy for very outstanding views.
I’m looking forward to continuing to put some miles in on this trail. Everyone we did talk with said each section of the trail was beautiful and unique.