One of the things I love about summer is a later sunset. I can work a full day and still have time to enjoy a quick hike and catch the sun drop below the horizon.

Since this was a Saturday, there was plenty of time to meet my friends Laura and Summit for a hike up Mt. Kearsarge in Wilmont, NH.

I was feeling a little slow so we meet early to allow us (me) enough time to get to the top in time   for sunset. We started out in Winslow State Park. Fortunately the gate was open to reach the state park parking lot. NOTE: There is a fee to enter the park in the summer time. 

Location:Wilmont, NH
Distance:2.6 mi
Elevation Gain:1,013′
Total Time:3 hr 59 min
Parking:10+ cars
Difficultly Rating:Moderate
View of the Winslow Trail
Going up the Winslow Trail

We started out doing the same counter clockwise loop we always do. Up the Winslow trail and down the Barlow trail. When we started out the sun was shining and the sky was blue with a only a few clouds in the sky. 

It was warm but not hot and it cooled as we got higher up. There were no leaves on the trees and we kept getting hit by sunbeams shinning between the trees. 

The Winslow trail was pretty dry for this time of year and we were very happy about that. That means that there were no bugs swarming us as we ascended. The Winslow trail is also one of two trails I know of that has a half way marker. The other is the White Dot trail in Monadnock.

As we got closer to the top we took a quick break at the first view point. The sun was getting lower so we continued on to the summit. When we got to the top there was only one other person there. I was surprised because it was such a nice day.

Orange Sunset

We took some pictures, ate a sandwich and enjoyed a summit beer. As the sun finally set we packed up our stuff and headed down the Barlow trail. I love the top section of this trail because there are a lot of lookouts and it is always pretty in the sunset afterglow.

There was no moon this night so it got dark quick. We got our headlamps out as it got more in the woods. Laura’s headlamp soon fizzed out and was forced to be “one of those hikers” who got down by the light of her cell phone. About 10 minutes later I noticed that my light was also going very dim and I too was now “one of those hikers!” Lol. 

We continued down by cell phone. As we got lower, the trail got muddier and even a little soupy in some places. When arrived back at the State Park it was very dark and the stars were shinning bright. I wish I had my camera with me. This would be a great place for some night photography. 

Over all great hike. Moral of the story, make sure you have extra batteries.


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