The stars light up the sky behind the trees
Location:Whitefield, NH

Steph, Liberty, and I had an opportunity to stay at a friend’s cottage, Sunset on Mirror Lake in Whitefield, NH. The cottage was cute and very comfortable. Perfect for a quick weekend getaway. I had brought my Nikon Camera with me in hopes of getting some nighttime shots with stars and the lake.

Star trails over Mirror Lake in Whitefield, NH. 45 Minutes Exposure.

We arrived late on Friday evening and the weather was damp and rainy. So no night photography that night. We were both tired anyway.

Same view of Mirror Lake. 30 second exposure.

The next morning, I went for a short hike up to an old, abandoned gold mine. Then later that afternoon we all took a ride exploring some other possible hiking locations for future dates. It is also fun just to take a ride.

While we were out, we ordered some pizza from a local restaurant and headed back to the cottage. By know the clouds were starting to clear and some early stars were starting to peak through.

Seats under the stars.

After we ate, I decided to go check out the sky and most of the clouds had disappeared. So I came back in and started to set up my camera for some pics.

Once everything was ready, I headed out for a few test shots. They all came out well. I took a few 20-20 second shots. They are also same out well. Then I set the camera up for a longer exposure. I wanted to catch some star trails, so this shot was about 45 minutes.

Silhouettes of trees under the stars.

I went inside while this shot was “cooking”. When I came out 45 minutes later, I had a great star trail shot. I continued to take some more 30 sec shots around the property and before calling it a night.

A few flakes falling on the lake.

Overall, it was about 3 hours of shooting. The sky gods were with me that night. It was only clear for a few hours while I was out there then the clouds came back in to bring us some snow flurries.

Frosty view of Mirror Lake


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