Exploring Prospect Farm in Jackson NH

Date: | 12-26-2024 |
Location: | Jackson, NH |
Distance: | 7 mi |
Elevation Gain: | 516′ |
Total Time: | 4 hr 55 min |
Parking: | 20+ cars |
It’s the day after Christmas and I wanted to get out and enjoy some of the snow before the rains come later this weekend.

My buddy Jay and I made our way up to Jackson to explore some more of this cross country trail network. When we arrived in Jackson at the tour center it was about 19 degrees, no wind, the sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. It really was a perfect day to be out.
After getting our passes ($24), we decided we would go explore some more trails in the Prospect Farm section up in Carter Notch. We got to the trail head around 10am and the lot up there was about half full.

This lot can hold 20ish cars if people park correctly, but it does fill up quickly so getting there early is a good idea.
We started up the main trail heading toward the Orchard Trail. When we arrived to the Beaver Bog Trail Jay decided to go explore it. I had been before and he is a much faster skier than I. So, I continued up. From that trail junction the trail gets pretty steep. Going down was going to be an adventure.

At the top is the junction to the Orchard Trail. There is also the trail to Halls Ledge which was skied but not groomed and looked a little rough. There is also the Carter Notch Spur that had not been touched in a few days. But I went down the Orchard trail.
At the beginning of this trail is an old apple orchard. The sun was shining above it with blue skys. You could also see Black Mountain through the trees.

Across the trail is an old cellar hole from the Johnson Family that used to live there. I continued down the trial. A little ways in I came across an old car covered in snow. It might have a car from the 40’s or 50’s.
This trail is mostly level but has a lot of ups and downs to glide along. At the end there is beautiful line of snow-covered pine trees and an opening with some views. At this point Jay caught up with me and we made our way out back to the trail junction.

At the junction we decided to ski through some of the old orchard. The snow was nice and fluffy and it was fun practice in the fresh snow.
We talked about going up to the ledge, but people said the trial was rough coming down. We decided to go out and break a track on the Carter Notch Spur trial. The snow was pristine. It sparkled in the sunlight. Just beautiful.

We both broke a track for a little bit but after the first hill I decided to continue on the track Jay was breaking out. It is a lot of work on an unbroken trail. This trail was as wide as a road and had some ups and downs. There were also about 6 – 7 water bars we had to cross. My skis kept getting wet and would clump snow. At the end there is another clearing we turned around in.
While we were there another skier had made their way out on our tracks. The saying is true. “If you built it, they will come”. On our way back, again I had issues with wet skis and jumping the water bars.

I also learned that my step-in bindings are not the best in the deep snow. Snow kept getting packed in the bindings when I had to scrape my skis. We made it work though.
Back at the trail junction, we skied down to the Quail trail. Jay went first and When I started down, got a little to much speed and wiped out. Fortunately, the snow was soft. I got up and started down again. This time staying upright.

At the Quail Trail we started up. After a few minutes of climbing, I looked at my GPS and noticed that it had stopped tracking. It must have shut up after my fall. I started the track back up but lost about a mile or so of the route. We arrived at the Marsh Brook Trail junction and decided to go a bit further. I went up as far as the Beaver Bog trail and turned around. Jay went a little further.
We had decided to take the Marsh Brook Trail down. This trail was not groomed and looked like only one person had gone on it in the last couple of days. Lots of fresh snow.
Again, breaking trail is slow going. Jay caught up as I was about half way though the trail. After a bit we saw some tracks coming from the other end and going in to the woods. We followed them for a bit. The trail was tight but fun.
Back on the marsh trail we continued down. The trail is not flat any more and gets steeper as we descend. There was even a caution sign that warned of the steepness.
Jay was able to ski down to the bottom where the trail reached the road. I decided to take my skis off for this last section. It was rough and steep.
At the road we walked about 20 yards to the parking lot and had a snack and drink before heading down to the village.
I was tired at this point. But any time I get a chance to ski across the Jackson XC covered bridge I do it. Jay went out the Storybook Trail while I tracked some of the trails around the golf course in the village.
We met back at the car around 4pm and called it a day. This was one of the best days I’ve had out xc skiing. Everything was amazing. Unfortunately, warm temps and rain are in the forecast for the next week. Glad I got to enjoy this while I could.