Humpty Dumpty and the Jabberwocky

Date: | 12-27-2024 |
Location: | Amherst, NH |
Distance: | 2.56 mi |
Elevation Gain: | 174′ |
Total Time: | 1 hr 41 min |
Parking: | 20+ cars |
Liberty and I had a little time for a walk so we took advantage of the afternoon light that was left and headed to Amherst NH.

A while back I saw the Rocky and Bullwinkle trail and then noticed that there was a Humpty Dumpty trail and a Jabberwocky trail nearby. It looked like the two could be done as a loop and that was just what we were looking for.
When we got the trail head on Austin Road, there was a small pull-off that I was able to park in. There were some other pull offs along the road but not much room.

The temps were in the high 20’s low 30’s and the sun was shining. A perfect day to be out. We decided to do the loop clockwise, starting with the Humpty Dumpty Trail.

This was fun because the trail runs along an old stone wall. I wonder if this is the wall Humpty Dumpty fell on?

The trail is pretty flat, well marked and easy to follow. It runs in a straight line with the wall. When we reached the end of the trail we could go left or right. I choose left. It turns out, my choice was a trail but not a hiking trail.

I followed it to a 5G tower that was fenced off. So from here I bushwacked over the hill to join the original trail. Once I was back on track the junction for the Jabberwocky trail was not far.

Liberty and I took a few pics at the sign and started out on the winding, twisting, turning trail. I’m pretty sure these are all mountain bike trails. But they are fun for walks as well.
The Jabberwocky trail is just under a mile long. There were lots of bike bridges and features along this trail.

We came to Bicentennial trail junction and followed that back up to the trail head that we started from. I would like to bring my mountain bike out here some time and explore these trail.